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Toll Free No. 09226866252 Timing 10:00 A.M to 06:00 P.M* Shruti lost 22 kg
by Dr Kolawales Weight loss Bangalore
* Akash lost 10 kg
by drkolawales weight loss Pune
* Ashutosh lost 30 kg
by drkolawales weight loss Pune"
* Arvind lost 22 kg
at dr kolawales office pack
Disclaimer: Depending on body composition results may vary up to little extent.
* Dinesh lost 20 kg
by drkolawales Diabetes package
* Sanjay lost 32 kg
by drkolawales package
* Divya lost 7 kg
by drkolawales weight loss in mumbai
* Shekar lost 23 kg
by dr kolawales weight loss in pune
Before 98 Kgs
After 68 Kgs
"Namaste friends my name is Ashustosh Mule , as you all know obesity is big problem as it leads to heart disease , diabetes , blood pressure due to all this reasons weight loss had became very important for me .I tried everything for weight loss I used meal replacements , shakes , I also did exercise , yoga but the weight loss was not that satisfactory . In this condition I happened to here about drkolawales weight loss packages .So with the reference from her I consulted dr kolawale . he spoke to me took down my weight height my history and calculated the bmi for me , depending on which he gave me the ayurvedic medicines package with diet for weight loss .DrKolawales weight loss package was completely ayurvedic so I was sure about the safety and that there would be no side effects .After starting his weight loss package I noticed the weight loss in the first month itself. On the first day of treatment my weight was 98 kg and after the first week of the treatment the weight drastically went down by 3 kgs that was a great boon for me . I lost 30 kgs with his package in six months . My stomach waist size dropped to 34 inches from 42 . The change is so much my old friends find it difficult to recognize me .During the complete treatment there was no side effect .I newer felt weakness , no tiredness .My energy levels have went up . to those who ever wish to lose weight I would strongly recommend to start with drkolawales weight loss package and get the benefit of being fit and slim ."
Ashutosh Mule , Mar 2015,pt no D-457862
Disclaimer: Depending different body compositions, results may vary up to some extent.
Before 101 Kgs
After 68 Kgs
"Dear Freinds, I am writing this letter to express my real experience from a effective weight loss package of drkolawale .I was too much over weight due which I was facing lots of difficulties . I was doing gym to reduce weight , I also tried liquid diet , herbal powders , nutrition diet . for weight loss I was trying each way out , and efforts for weight loss I was doing since last five years but the weight was again bouncing up after going to some extent , It was not even remaining stable . My height is 5.9 according to which my weight should be 68 kg but my weight was 101 kg .It was difficult to go down by stairs , do the routine work.When I used to satnd up after setting I would feel a great pressure on my chest .I was so much fed of all this problems that I have finally decided to do bariatr Surgery for and finally get all of the weight loss in one shot . but during this I happened to meet my friend shakeel khan , who told me about drkolawale .First thaught came to mind that I had done so many things what this weight loss package will do for me , but when I understood that it is completely ayurvedic than that this weight loss programme will not have any side effects I decided to go for it.Freinds you will be surprised in the first week itself I lost 3 kg it was huge start for me. Then the success story continued my weight continued going down and my energy level and confidence started increasing .Till today my total weight loss is 33 kg .My stomach fats had decreased by 9 inches , my fats from arms , hips thighs all have reduced , even the fats below chin and on face had gone completely. I used to were XXXL clothes now the cloth size is reduced to XL after such a big weight loss ,you can notice the great change in my photos attached here with my shape is completely changed., drkolawales weight loss package has gifted a new life to me.I am too much happy I feel I am very lucky to get such a massive weight loss in such a short time , at such a low cost and that too without any side effect.The success tip of my weight loss that I would like to share with you is having complete trust in drkolawale , obeying his each instruction about medicines , diet and lifestyle all this together helped me to lose 31 kg . One special line here I would like to add for dr kolawale - doctor its difficult to calculate the happiness of people that have reduced weight by your medicines but more important than this are the blessings of that people which are more valuable than anything ."
- Avinash Pendhase ,Nov 2014 ,pt no D-457862
Disclaimer: Depending different body compositions, results may vary up to some extent.
"Hello I am a house wife my age is 46 yrs .My weight had went up to 85 kg . I was trying everything but nothing worked for weight loss .Then from 1st november2014 I strated treatment at DrKolwales .As per given instructionns in the package i started with the medicines and diet .The first weight loss was of 3 kg my weight was down to 82 kg and there after in three weeks it went down to 79 kg and then the weight loss sucess story continued with little bit of up and downs , till i finally reached to 54 kg in four months . 30 kg of Weight loss , to me it was dream coming true .During the treatment I newer felt tired or lack of energy .,there were no side effects at all .Instead my blood pressure became normal, swelling on the body got reduced . , The credit goes all to drkolawales package and his valuable guidance .I will recommend dr kolawale`s package for Only who are really serious for losing weight and those who are completely motivated for weight loss ."
- Mangala Bhisekar , June 2014 ,pt no. D- 55612
* Disclaimer: Depending different body compositions, results may vary up to some extent.
"Dr kolawale, Thanks a ton for your weight loss program I went through..... I was 99 kgs when I met you and from there in 3 months I lost 18 kgs ..... It's a miracle.......I can't even dream off such changes you got in me..... As Michael Angelo says "Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it." In the same way sir you have helped me to discover myself and such a wonderful contribution to obesity have freed me from being a fat ignorant to healthy and aware life.... God bless you for your future endeavours....."
-Coach Dr.Sangharsh .patient no D 13579
* Disclaimer: Depending different body compositions, results may vary up to some extent.
Before 97 Kgs
After 66 Kgs
"Dear Drkolawales I am very pleased with the weight loss results from your package . Sir I feel happy to inform you that I have now reached to 66 kg , when I started your treatment my weight was 97 kg I lost 31 kg . There is great change in me all the fats from stomach , arms , hips have completely reduced . The slimming from stomach area is around 10 to 12 inches the stomach fat loss is very big .I was wearing trousers of 40 size now I use 34 size .All of the heaviness from all over the body is reduced due to which I now feel very light and afresh . I admit and would like to give the credit of my entire weight loss to your weightloss package ."
- Sanjay Dada Jadhav ,Dec 2013 , pt no pt no I488376/p>
* Disclaimer: Depending different body compositions, results may vary up to some extent.
Before 77 Kgs
After 53 Kgs
"Hi All,
I would like to share my experience with Dr. Prashant Kolawale and his amazing weight loss
technique. I was always a slim and healthy girl in my school days weighing around 56-58
kg. However when I went abroad for my higher studies, all of a sudden I put on weight due
to life style changes and lack of exercise. I always felt when I return to India the
weight would reduce on its own but it just kept on increasing till I reached a staggering
77kg. This led to a lot of complications including high blood pressure and cholesterol
which was affecting my daily life.
When I heard about Dr.Kolawale, I was initially hesitant to try the package since it
involved medicines along with a diet plan. However the website provided me very comforting
information that the medicines were totally ayurvedic with absolutely no side effects. I
thought about giving it a try and ordered the package online. The package contained the
medicine along with a diet chart. The first week was very difficult for me since I was
used to eating only junk food. But the diet made me realize all the healthy food I was
actually missing out on. In the first week itself I lost 2-3 Kg. Seeing my weight reduce
every morning would bring a sense of satisfaction and happiness one can never express. I
never had any side effects except feeling hungry during which I would munch on fresh
fruits and vegetables instead of carbohydrates and starch.
The weight loss was gradual however you have to very strictly follow the diet or it will
be of no use and you will gain what you lost. I have had my share of troubles there
however realized the importance of following the chart.
My treatment concluded after 4 months and I lost a whopping 24 kg of weight and at present
weigh 53 Kg. This has been the best I have weighed all my life!! And I give all credit to
Dr.Kolawale. He has been able to perform miracles in my life when I had lost all hope. No
amount of exercise and dieting was able to help me achieve the results that this diet has
been able to do and I am truly grateful. Also my Blood pressure and cholesterol has come
within the normal range. I am also able to wear all of my small size outfits that would
never fit me before since the weight loss has been proportionate throughout my body,
including tummy section, thighs, arms, back and face.
It has been over 5 months now and I have completely stopped the medicines and I am back to
my normal routine and food however the weight has not increased a bit, something I was
actually scared would happen. Dr.Kolawale has made me realize the importance of having a
healthy, balanced weight leading to a healthy life. I had never paid attention to fresh
food before but now I do.
I would really like to recommend this diet to all those helpless people out there who
really need help in losing weight without exercise. I lead a very sedentary life having a
desk job and have absolutely no time to exercise.
Once again thank you Dr. Prashant, for making my dreams come true!!! "
Shaalyn M ,Bangalore ,patient no 137765.
* Disclaimer: Depending different body compositions, results may vary up to some extent.
Before 121 Kgs
After 79 Kgs
"A great journey of dragging the weight from 121 kg to 79 kg was possible for me only with the support of Dr Kolawales .Being a incharge at automobile company My work involves too stress . I used to eat and eat anything anytime before i could understand any thing the weight jumped by twenty five kg in two three years . I was too much worried of the weight as i could not sit properly , my knees also started paining , i used to walk very slowly. One day one our old client , adviced me to visit dr kolawales .Since then till today the picture as changed .In few setting with his conusltation he started with a package.In the first set only I had a zabardast weight loss of thirteen kg. Inbetween dr`s used to scold after mistakes in diet that hurted, but his motto was clear . Today when i see my old and new photos I become very happy & satisfied , a staright lose of 36 cms from stomach is the rea magic that i have experinced ."
- Suryabhan Chaudhary , pt no 21049
* Disclaimer: Depending different body compositions, results may vary up to some extent.
Before 91 Kgs
After 60 Kgs
"Hi freinds I am writing this review to helfp you understand the real meaning of weight loss. I am on shop floor 90% of my work is hard and involves hi physical activity . But due my overweight my working speed slowed down , due to big stomach & back pain i could not complete work in time . On a regular check up my family doctor adviced me to visit dr kolawales for weight loss. He directly started with the Office package in the first week i got a huge start of 3.5 kg .yes it was difficult in first week but the result boomed my confidence . I kept the phone consultation with dr and his assistants.In the 3 rd week i gone down by 5 kg and it continued on and on and went down by 12 kg in eight weeks . In between the weight stuck , but doctors explanation in firing way :) , shoked me and again in the next package i kept away from mistakes now its three months and one week and i am down from 86 to 66 kg , the most important part for which i am fan of this doctor is the stomach size and shape loss , guys i lost 13 inches !! the big pot is now vanished , i am very happy with it."
- Ravindra Padgham , pt no 29161.
* Disclaimer: Depending different body compositions, results may vary up to some extent.
Before 71 Kgs
After 58 Kgs
"My name is Santosh patil I am a export manager in a company . I was having tremendous problems due to weight ,I did exercise , i also did yoga . I went throygh Gm diet of two cycles of 15 days but was disappointed nothing worked .I got refrence from a freind who told me of dr kolawales as weight loss expert at nigdi pune . i then checked their website and was satisfied . In first visit doctor personally checked me and told me diet and gave his medicines ,.In the first week only i lost 4 kg. i then kept ging to him and follwoing his instructions today i am down by 14 kg in 1 set of a month . And as such their is no side effect its completely ayurvedic."
- Santosh Patil , pt no 33427.
* Disclaimer: Depending different body compositions, results may vary up to some extent.
"Hello my name is Shekar Desai , before four months my weight was 113 kg. I was worried about such a big weight . My stomach size was 123 cm thanks to drkolawales weight loss package I am now down to 90 kg and still on his medicines ,I lost 23 kg my stomach size is now 99 cm , the biggest change I feel is my big tummy has reduced in big extent . I am in the weight and shape that I used to be 10 yrs before , I work for more than 10 hours daily but still than there is no weakness or tiredness after using his package . I have reffered many of my office colleagues to drkolawales around 25 to 30 of my office people had started with his treatment and also lost the weight The other important story that I would like to share is of my wife , she started the package after seeing the weight loss in me .My wife had thyroid problem due to which her weight was going up massively . After having consultation drkolawales assured her for a weight loss .When she stared the medicine her weight was 84 kg and tsh was 5.6 after four months of his package the weight is now to 65 kig weight loss of 19 kg and tsh is 0.89 ,at this point we received the most awaited good news of natural pregnancy of my wife . With this I wish to thanks DrKolawale for his simple , easy to follow and very effective weight loss program without any side effects for both of us. Dear friends if you are willing to do weight loss then I assure you this is the right place for you . "
Shekhar Chandrakant Desai pt no I488892
* Disclaimer: Depending different body compositions, results may vary up to some extent.
" I am writing this review to help you to select a perfect programme for weight loss in pune . Till today I have used lots of weight loss medicines in pune , visited great weight loss clinics in pune but dint get any satisfactory result .searching on net one day I found about drkolawales packages ,I tried it for one month in month I was down by seven kgs down it seemed really good,I continued dr kolawales package for one month again , and the end of it I had big weight loss of to bring my weight from 81 to 69 , I was using 36 no trousers my stomach is down and waist is now 32 ., the key behind drkolawales packages was use of perfect medicines according to fat percentage , a proper diet and healthy lifestyle."
- Umesh Patil, Pune, 11 March 2011.
* Disclaimer: Depending different body compositions, results may vary up to some extent.
".. Being in Office I am in setting job , in the last three years my weight crossed eighty .I was 89 kgs when I started my treatment with drkolawales at home packages .and the end three and half month I am down by 19 kgs was great experience , I feel fresh and energetic the best thing I am happy is my stomach went down by 12 cms .But this did not happened in one night , it requires a proper discipline in taking medicines ,following meal regulations and making changes according to doctors advice ,I would strongly recommend drkolawales packages if you want a real weight loss “
-Amol Patil ,Chennai , 2 nd feb 2012 .
* Disclaimer: Depending different body compositions, results may vary up to some extent.
*Disclaimer: Depending on body compositions results might vary up to some extent.